Members of the ÁùºÏ±¦µä Council

Dr Michael Slattery

Dr Michael Slattery was appointed to ÁùºÏ±¦µä Council on 18 April 2023.  Michael is currently Lecturer in Charge in the Masters of Education program at the Australian Catholic University, and Director of PP Educational Services. Previously, Michael was Executive Director of Schools in the Maitland-Newcastle Diocese.  Michael is deeply embedded in the Edmund Rice charism, having been educated by the Christian Brothers for eight years. He has held Principal positions with the Christian Brothers at Bondi, Lewisham and with ÁùºÏ±¦µä at East Gosford.

With his wife, Michael has led 15 trips to Kenya leading students and adults on spiritual leadership immersions and has raised funds for a Baby Health Ruben Centre and the Mary Rice Centre in Nairobi, where his wife spends time each year training midwives. As well as his strong ethics and commitment to Catholicism, Michael brings to ÁùºÏ±¦µä his wealth of experience in fiscal responsibility and finance, and in capital works and property. Michael is passionate about educational leadership and relationship building, and will add value in encouraging and leading relationship between the Trustees and ÁùºÏ±¦µä’s new entities, schools and wider Church bodies.

Dr Stephen Brown

Dr Stephen Brown has undertaken senior executive roles in all sectors of enterprise: public, private, and not for profit. These range from Senior Education executive appointments in Queensland and Victoria, chief executive officer and various school level positions. He currently undertakes a portfolio career consisting of a combination of roles and positions. These include advisor to business, governments, and directorship of a global professional services company, The Brown Collective (TBC). TBC specialises in leadership formation, sustainable change, and policy /strategy. Dr Brown is a highly regarded global expert within the education sector in the areas of leadership development, education systems renewal and redesign, strategy, change management, capability development, school improvement and governance.

Stephen’s knowledge of strategic and operational governance is extensive. He is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors program, former Director of Stuartholme School, a former member of the international advisory panel for the Scottish government’s school leadership college, a Board member of the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation, a graduate of Oxford University’s Saiid Business School’s Executive Leadership Program and a graduate of Harvard University. He holds a Doctorate from the University of Southern Qld and a Master of Arts from the University of London. Stephen’s work has been widely acknowledged with multiple National and State awards. He was the Chair of ÁùºÏ±¦µä Ltd from September 2022 and a graduate of the former St Joseph’s CBC, Rockhampton (1978).

Beth Gilligan

Ms Beth Gilligan was appointed to the ÁùºÏ±¦µä Council on 10 May 2022.  She retired from her position with the Salesians of Don Bosco as Principal of Dominic College, Glenorchy, Tasmania in 2021 (2009-2021). She was the first lay and first female Principal of the College. Beth has been involved nationally in a number of Church agency roles and worked as an independent Education Consultant for over a decade supporting a range of religious congregations, their schools and ministries as a facilitator, reviewer and planner. She is the author of several educational texts promoting education for justice and solidarity. Beth grew up and was educated by religious congregations in the Hunter Valley in NSW. In her professional life, she has watched the growth of ÁùºÏ±¦µä with much interest over many years and interacted with the Christian Brothers at several NSW schools, particularly as the inaugural Chair of St Lucy’s School Board at Wahroonga. Her interests on Council include governance, formation, and cultural guardianship of the charism of Edmund Rice. Beth believes that every person involved in ÁùºÏ±¦µä continues to write anew the story of Edmund Rice with their own lives and authentic witness to liberating education.

Kieran McCarthy

Mr Kieran McCarthy BA(Hons) LLB was appointed to ÁùºÏ±¦µä Council on 1 July 2023.  Brisbane-based, Kieran is an Accredited Specialist in Family Law and Director of Naughton McCarthy Family Lawyers.  He is a Deputy Chair of Mercy Partners, which has ministerial responsibility for education, health, aged care and community service ministries in Queensland and New South Wales. Kieran is Mercy Partners delegate to the Association of Ministerial Public Juridic Persons (AMPJP). He is also a Board Member of Brigidine College, Indooroopilly, a mission of Kildare Ministries.

Kieran was educated at St Joseph’s College, Nudgee in Queensland and remained involved with the College for several years as a boarding supervisor and running the boarders’ tuck shop. His family is steeped in Christian Brothers values and traditions, with his father, uncles, father-in-law and siblings educated at Christian Brothers schools.

Sandra Brogden

Ms Sandra Brogden is a Noongar, Karajarri, Bard woman from Western Australia who is proud of her family connections throughout the Kimberley and South-West regions which has been formative in her life. Having lived and worked across Western Australia, initially as a teacher in the Goldfields and then in previous roles at the Catholic Education Office she has developed strong relationships across the state. Prior to this appointment, she lived and worked in Victoria for 15 years.

Sandra is an accomplished educator, respected leader and has exceptional program management, communication and stakeholder management skills. She combines empathy and compassion with a friendly attitude and a professional approach. Her understanding of young people and First Nations communities will be an asset to ÁùºÏ±¦µä Council. She is a woman of faith and her lived experience includes membership of parish pastoral councils, St Vincent de Paul outreach and engagement with the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Commission. She has had close connections with the Christian Brothers in Broome and with ÁùºÏ±¦µä through her son’s education at St Jospeh’s College Geelong.

Stephen Ellich

Mr Stephen Ellich is a proven Board Director and CEO with over twenty-five years success in governing and leading complex, national organisations. His key expertise is in the establishment, development and transformational change of organisations with a focus on cultural realignment and sustainable growth. Specifically, in the not-for-profit area, Stephen has served on the Boards of YMCA Victoria, YMCA Australia and the AICD NFP Advisory Committee (VIC). He brings a strong commitment to the charism of Edmund Rice and ÁùºÏ±¦µä through his close affinity with the Christian Brothers and his membership and role as Chair of the Board of Edmund Rice Camps (Vic) over many years. His two sons were educated at St Kevin’s College. Stephen is a Fellow of the AICD.

David Penny

Mr David Penny brings extensive experience as a Non-Executive Director (NED) in complex not for profit organisations, including as Chair of Australian Catholic Safeguarding Limited (ACSL) to make the church a safe place for all. He has also held a range of NED, Board and Trustees roles including Calvary Ministries, Centre for Christian Spirituality Ltd and the BCA National Training Group (a registered training organisation in business, community services, conservation, land management, governance, training and assessment). David is currently the Executive Director of ISMAPNG and brings a detailed understanding of the Catholic Church and the environment in which it operates. He was educated by the Christian Brothers and has a sound understanding of the charism of Edmund Rice.

Peter Turner

Mr Peter Turner was appointed to the ÁùºÏ±¦µä Council on 1 January 2021.  He has broad experience in Catholic education, most recently as Director of Schools with the Catholic Education Diocese of Wollongong for 13 years. Peter’s other roles include Regional Director of Education for the Southern Region of the Archdiocese of Sydney for five years, principal in two secondary schools as foundation principal over 13 years, Deputy Chair of the former NSW Catholic Education Commission for five years, and Chair of the Commission School Resources Committee for nine years.  Peter has a deep love of faith and a strong commitment to Catholic education ‘making a difference’.  He brings to the Council his capacity to think and act strategically, a collaborative leadership style and a preparedness to tackle the ‘hard issues’ with honesty.